The project connectdeathrow Blog
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This site will provide the opportunity to get in a short-term contact with a death row prisoner or with another person concerned with the death penalty.
Who are the target persons for the project?
If you are a teacher, student or other person who is interested in the death penalty and all that comes with it, you could be the person to use this project. The project is set up to give students or classes of juveniles the opportunity to get in short-term contact with a death row prisoner. The letters are sent through the project and there is no direct contact.
Who are the inmates who will answer the letters?
The inmates have all agreed to personally answer letters of classes or students, through the project. Their motivation is to “give something back to the world” and they don’t expect any benefit other than the pleasure of having a limited interaction.
If you are interested, please check the homepage or get in contact with
Ines Aubert
Kind regards, Sarah – Out of a short-term correspondence
Teachers discuss connectdeathrow
Nick Bell and Seline Jossi
0:33 It is very safe
0:55 Pupils stay anonymous
1:55 They were super motivated to reply
2:14 It’s a maximum of three letters
3:24 It’s a limited exchange
3:35 It could lead to a lifetime correspondence
4:07 The conversation is not about the crime
4:11 It’s more like a normal exchange with a native English speaker
4:35 They have plenty of other topics to discuss
5:22 They thought all the people in prison are bad
6:08 We had many fruitful discussions because of their writing
6:38 I never got any negative feedback
Feedback of Seline’s students to the project